Iwein De Keyzer

Iwein De Keyzer


By Locals

Expo and art auc­tion with more than 90 par­tic­i­pat­ing artists from the den­der region. Organised by Denderland, city of Geraardsbergen and Netwerk Aalst.


Graduation Expo Photography

The grad­u­at­ing pho­tog­ra­phy stu­dents Sara De Rijck, Iwein De Keyzer, Wim De Block and Anne Callens present their work dur­ing a group exhi­bi­tion at the Stedelijke Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten Aalst.

Eindwerk fotokunst 2800 kort

Lifting Takes More Than Muscle

Groupshow at Blanco Ghent (BE) / With work from Lien Van den Abbeele, Kobe Wens, Eva van Aken, Lyn de Weijer and Iwein De Keyzer.

5 pho­tog­ra­phers meet by chance and put their archives together. Using a made-up story based on a pho­to­graph by one of them, they make a con­sid­ered selec­tion from each one’s archive. A fic­tional sixth pho­tog­ra­pher exhibits at Lifting Takes More Than Muscle’ with this newly assem­bled series.

8 H4 A8494 2800 kort

Things To Hold On To

Groupshow at Netwerk Aalst (BE) / With work from Marleen Limbourg and Yana Barrez.

The cen­tral theme of the exhi­bi­tion arose from an emo­tional con­fronta­tion with the mon­u­men­tal waste bales in Veurne’s Spinnery. We read poetry and see imagery in the beauty, fragility and, at the same time, char­ac­ter of the com­pressed sisal. 

  • Marleen Limbourg, con­cep­tual artist, knots Waste to Meaning.
  • Iwein De Keyzer, pho­tog­ra­pher, mean­ders along paths of the mind.
  • Yana Barrez, chore­o­g­ra­pher, makes con­trar­ian move­ments to the cadence of tex­tile machines
  • Music by Sam Huge, Video by Dominique Hoornaert.

8 H4 A8304 2800 kort


With Desolate’ Iwein gath­ers visu­al anec­dotes on the street. His images are snap­shots of that one sec­ond, spurred on by a sur­pris­ing stim­u­lus. He abstracts rec­og­niz­able scenes, turn­ing them into des­o­late places, and records real­i­ty as if sud­den­ly trip­ping over it, encoun­ter­ing it when no one was looking.

Do what you will with the chronol­o­gy of this book. The pho­tos may be eas­i­ly removed from the book to adorn a dress­er, man­tel­piece or any wall you like. A book indeed wor­thy of fram­ing. Design by We Are Superset. Text by Mien De Vriendt. For more infor­ma­tion about this pub­li­ca­tion click on Buy’ in the menu.

8 H4 A9154 2800 kort