Iwein De Keyzer

Iwein De Keyzer



Price: 35,00 €

With Desolate’ Iwein gath­ers visual anec­dotes from street scenes much like a farmer picks pears. Not too soon, not too late, but know­ing exactly when an image is ripe and juicy. His images are snap­shots of that one sec­ond, spurred on by a sur­pris­ing stim­u­lus. He abstracts street scenes, turn­ing them into des­o­late places with a smile, and records real­ity as if sud­denly trip­ping over it, encoun­ter­ing it when no one was looking.

Do what you will with the chronol­ogy of this book. The pho­tos may be eas­ily removed from the book to adorn a dresser, man­tel­piece or any wall you like. A book indeed wor­thy of framing.

  • Dimensions
    20 x 27,5 cm
  • Pages
  • Cover
    Pur Coton Poudre Noir 350g/m2
  • Paper
    X-Per Premium White 140 g/m2

  • Design
    We are Superset
  • Text
    Mien De Vriendt
  • Translation
    Allison Klein

  • Edition
    NL 100 (sold out) - EN 100
  • Release
    September 2020

8 H4 A9154 2800 kort
8 H4 A9185 2800 kort
8 H4 A9180 2800 kort